Babol city has tourism function which during the peak seasons of the year the transportation network cannot cope with the high volume of vehicles. The present study aims to investigate the efficiency of the Babol city traffic network through the linear element analysis. In this paper by using network analysis in GIS and also by calculating connectivity and accessibility, the efficiency of the Babol city was investigated. Alfa and gamma indicators show the level of connectivity and accessibility of the urban networks. The figures of 21% and 18% were obtained for 92 join points and 50 main network lines for exist condition and 19% and 21% were obtained for 488 join points and 283 main network lines for suggesting plan. Finally the most important roads of the city were studied by the number of direct and indirect joins to approach to most remote point of the network. The results revealed that the urban network of the Babol has severe problems to connect and create accessibility and therefore there is a high level of time and capital waste.