:: Volume 24, Issue 85 (3-2024) ::
جغرافیایی 2024, 24(85): 1-18 Back to browse issues page
Genetic and Morphological Classification of Karrenes in the Kalat Mountain Basin, Northeast of Iran
Mohsen Rezaei arefi * 1, Mohammad ali Zanganeh , Aboalfazl Behniyafar , Mohammad Javanbakht
Abstract:   (852 Views)
Karren is said to be grooves or cavities of small and large dissolution that known as carbonate rocks. These grooves are mainly in accordance with the joints and fractures of the rock. For this purpose, the Kalat mountainous basin located in the northeast of Iran (Khorasan Razavi province) was selected at Kopet Dagh Heights. The purpose of this study is to classify the genetic and morphological characters of the Karrens mountainous basin by Ford and Williams’s method. In order to study this form, 1: 50,000 Kalat topography, 1: 100,000 Kalat geological map, 1: 40,000 satellite imageries and aerial photos were investigated to determine the carbonate formations that are likely to form Karen. Then, in the GIS software environment, carbonate units scatter the map was determined, then field studies were performed using GPS, compass, meter, smith hammer and digital camera. In terms of genesis. The results of the study indicated that in the south of the Basin, in the basins of the Estighso, Vanakarran, Pit Karrne, in the northwest of the basin in Qara-Sou, the multifaceted Pite, Karen pit, Mander Karen and Rillen Karen, Ripple Karren, Corridor of Karst and in the east of the Basin in the Hammam ghaleh, Karren pit, and meander Karren. In the northwest of the Kalat Formation, Rillen Karren, Karren Mander, Micro Rillen Karen, Ripple Karen, and Shaft Karen were identified by geometry. The most important factors of the Karrenchr('39')s of the region are the hydraulic processes of water on the limestone slopes, the role of biokarst, impurities of limestone and snow melting.          
Keywords: Karst Geomorphology, Karren, Ford and Williams Method, Kalat Basin, Geomorphometry
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/09/29 | Accepted: 2023/12/5 | Published: 2024/07/20

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Volume 24, Issue 85 (3-2024) Back to browse issues page