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:: Volume 21, Issue 73 (5-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(73): 103-122 Back to browse issues page
Analysis the Climatic Resilience of Radiation in Sustainable Climate Design Case study: Noor Coastal City
Fatemeh Taheri1 , Shariar Khaledi * 2, Reza Borna3
1- maziar university
2- university
3- Azad university
Abstract:   (3584 Views)
Climate design, with the aim of using renewable resources to create climate resilience, is the most efficient manufacturing engineering to reduce vulnerability and increase climate adaptation. Climatic Resilience Coastal buildings in the face of the climatic element of radiation, at important levels and shells, and with the time and depth of radiation provide daily light, thermal comfort and energy control indoors. In terms of purpose, this research is in the group of applied research and according to the data and output model, it is research in terms of implementation. The research period (1985-2019) is in the coastal area of ​​Noor, where ecotech software was used. The results show that the area has 1884 hours of radiation and a coefficient of 500 watts per square meter. The daily radiation density is 79% on the building, which is 2.5% of the direct radiation range on the building, the most suitable of which is the south, southeast and east directions and the most unsuitable   direction is the west. Temperature and ventilation compatibility for air exchange is 2.24 watts per square meter per hour. The type of climatic resilience index of the region is passive adaptation to the regression slope of 0.93, which has the ability to return. For climatic design, six passive design techniques were proposed, including: thermal mass, direct, indirect evaporative cooling, passive radiant heating, night and natural ventilation. The active technique for designing residential spaces is equipped with a sun facade and roof with a slope angle of 46 to 51 degrees to the south and southwest of the building.
Keywords:  , Climatic Resilience, Radiation, Sustainable Climate Design, Solar View, Coastal Areas
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/11/6 | Accepted: 2021/02/1 | Published: 2021/05/31
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2. Burnard, M., Anders, Q., Nyrud, K., Bysheim, A. K., Katja, V., Hughes, M., (2015), Building material naturalness: perceptions from finland, norvey, & slovenia,indoor & built environment, 26: 92-107. [DOI:10.1177/1420326X15605162]
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4. EESI, (2019), "Environmental and energy study institute", ]on line[: https: // www. Eesi. org/ topics/ solar/ Description.
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6. Liu,S., Jing, W., (2019), "Climatic adaptability design strategy of residential zones, based on climate consultant and ecotect analysis- taking weidong new town community as an example", International Conference on oil & gas engineering and geological sciences, IOP Conference Series: Earth and environmental science, volume 384, 2019 International conference on oil & gas engineering and geological sciences 28-29 september 2019, dalian, china. [DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/384/1/012017]
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13. Pir Mohammadi, M., Vahid, R., (2015), "The effect of climatic factors on building design and the way to achieve sustainable design", National Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture with an approach to sustainable development-August 2015, Islamic Azad University, Fooman and Shaft Branch., Fooman. [In Persian].
14. Palmero, M., Ricardo, P., Armando, C., Oliveira, C., (2019), "Energy assessment of the implementation of renewable energies in a portuguese household", International Journal of low-carbon technologies, (14): 452-460. [DOI:10.1093/ijlct/ctz029]
15. Williams, college., (2019), "passive solar design", sustainability at the College. [on line] http://www. Sustainability.williams. edu.
16. Zomorrodian, M. J., (2007), "Application of natural geography in urban and rural planning", Payame Noor Publications. [In Persian].
17. Barzegar, Z., Heidari, Sh., (2013), "Investigation of solar radiation in building bodies on energy consumption of the home sector, Case study: Southeastern direction of Shiraz", Journal of Fine Arts, Architecture and Urbanism, 18 (1): 56-45. [In Persian].
18. Burnard, M., Anders, Q., Nyrud, K., Bysheim, A. K., Katja, V., Hughes, M., (2015), Building material naturalness: perceptions from finland, norvey, & slovenia,indoor & built environment, 26: 92-107. [DOI:10.1177/1420326X15605162]
19. C2ES, (2019), "Center for climate and energy solution climate essentials, what is climate resilience and why does it matter", This special series of publications discusses climate change impacts across the U.S. economy, highlighting actions taken to build resilience and reduce emissions, 1-12. ]On line[: https://www. c2es.org.
20. EESI, (2019), "Environmental and energy study institute", ]on line[: https: // www. Eesi. org/ topics/ solar/ Description.
21. Freewan, A. A. Y., (2019), "Advances in passive cooling design: An integrated design Approach, zero and net zero energy", pablisher: intech open, ISBN, 978-1-78984-498-6.
22. Lee, T. C., Takashi, A., Hidenori, K., Rihitu, S., Yukari. H., Isamu, O., (2017), "Multipoint measurement method for air temperature in outdoor space and application to microclimate and passive cooling studies for a house, Building & environment, 114 (2017): 267-280. [DOI:10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.12.030]
23. Liu,S., Jing, W., (2019), "Climatic adaptability design strategy of residential zones, based on climate consultant and ecotect analysis- taking weidong new town community as an example", International Conference on oil & gas engineering and geological sciences, IOP Conference Series: Earth and environmental science, volume 384, 2019 International conference on oil & gas engineering and geological sciences 28-29 september 2019, dalian, china. [DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/384/1/012017]
24. Liu, L., Zhuang, Y., Hui, Z., (2017), "Simulation study of an innovative ventilated facade utilizing indoor exhaust air", International conference on improving residential energy. [DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.009]
25. efficiency, IREE 2017, science direct, energy procedia, 121 (2017): 126-133. Wuhan, China [DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.009]
26. Modiri, M., Somayeh, Z. N., Zahra, A. B., Hamideh, A. M., Mohammad, A., (2012), "Investigation of the proper direction of buildings based on sunlight and wind Case study: Gorgan", Geography Quarterly (Planning Regional), 2: 141-156.[In Persian]
27. Moradi, S., (2013), "Adjusting environmental conditions", Tehran, Armanshahr Publications. [In Persian].
28. Mullah Salehi, V., Hooman, Sh., (2014), "Study of architectural and climatic features of Caspian coastal cities with the ecological approach of the case study of Noor city", the second national conference on architecture, urban restoration and sustainable environment, Hamedan, 1 septamber, 2014. [In Persian].
29. Pir Mohammadi, M., Vahid, R., (2015), "The effect of climatic factors on building design and the way to achieve sustainable design", National Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture with an approach to sustainable development-August 2015, Islamic Azad University, Fooman and Shaft Branch., Fooman. [In Persian].
30. Palmero, M., Ricardo, P., Armando, C., Oliveira, C., (2019), "Energy assessment of the implementation of renewable energies in a portuguese household", International Journal of low-carbon technologies, (14): 452-460. [DOI:10.1093/ijlct/ctz029]
31. Williams, college., (2019), "passive solar design", sustainability at the College. [on line] http://www. Sustainability.williams. edu.
32. Zomorrodian, M. J., (2007), "Application of natural geography in urban and rural planning", Payame Noor Publications. [In Persian].
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taheri F, khaledi S, Borna R. Analysis the Climatic Resilience of Radiation in Sustainable Climate Design Case study: Noor Coastal City. جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (73) :103-122
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3761-en.html

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