:: Volume 16, Issue 55 (12-2016) ::
جغرافیایی 2016, 16(55): 257-272 Back to browse issues page
Susceptibility of Mass movement in Zangmar Basin (Maku City)
Abstract:   (7353 Views)

Mass movements is a processes which caused Geomorphological evolution at steep and rocky slopes, and due to the sudden at the time of occurrence, the valleys and the road are blocked, also the mountainous regions are destroyed. Zangmar River Basin is located in Maku province and included some urban areas such as Maku city and they have susceptible areas to mass movements like landslides, collapse, debris flows and mud flows. An aim of this study is to identify susceptible areas to mass movements. The data were used include topographic 1:25000, geological maps1:100,000, climatic data and field observations. The method are included the sampling and definition of the variables affecting the occurrence of mass movements are based on the samples. Fuzzy model was used to determine value membership degree and then they were transformed to the normal distribution based on fuzzy Gaussian membership function. The results showed that occurrence of mass movements were increased with increasing slope and height and Mass movements have a direct relationship with the inverse distance from the fault, Geomorphic unit and integrated, hard rocks of ruggedness.

Keywords: Mass Movment, Maku city, Fuzzy Model, Zangmar basin
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/06/23 | Accepted: 2015/06/9 | Published: 2016/12/4

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Volume 16, Issue 55 (12-2016) Back to browse issues page