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Role of the Morphological Characteristics of Urban Structure in Urban physical Development bita bagheri *, hamid majedi, farah habib Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Theoretical Model Of Spatial Development in Compilation Borders Regions Ebrahim Romina *, hassan atefi, rebaz ghorbaninejad Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Comparison of Different Retrieval Temperature algorithms With different Emissivity by Using remote sensing images Ali Hossingholizade *, Parviz Zeaiean, Parisa Beyranvand Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Analysis of Rural E-marketing based on Geographic Model of Planned Behavior Seyed Jaber Alavion, Ahmad Taghdisi *Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Investigation and identification of the most important atmospheric parameter resulting from the interaction of summer pressure systems on the rate of reference evapotranspiration (Case Study: South West of Iran) mahdi khazaei *, hossein mohammadi Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Study of sand ramps genesis around the Ernan Playa in southern Yazd Mohamad Sharifi Paichoon *Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Application of GIS technology in zoning and estimation of soil erosion and sediment production in Aji Chay watershed Abolfazl Rahmani *, Abolghasem AmiraAhmadi, Ali M.KH.Doust Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Evaluation of agricultural water productivity for rice crop at the basin scale based on actual evapotranspiration in the Sefidrood basin Meysam Motahari, Abbas Sotoodeh Nia *, Bizhan Nazari, MohamadReza Yazdani Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Assessment of prevailing wind changes affecting aviation safety (case study: Tabriz airport) reza borna *, manoucher farajzadeh, mohammad khalilnejad Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
Classification and Assessment of the land use changes using Landsat satellite imagery (Case Study: Qazvin plan’s Aquifer) Rohollah Rezaee, Jamal Qodusi *, Amirhesam Hasani, Reza Arjmandi, Alireza Vafaeinejad Abstract - Full Text (PDF)
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