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:: Volume 19, Issue 65 (6-2019) ::
جغرافیایی 2019, 19(65): 91-105 Back to browse issues page
Effect Characteristics of Geo-Hydrology on the distribution and patterns Rural Point in Kermanshah Province
Hajar Marabi1 , Hamid Rahimi1 , Aeizh Azmi * 1
1- Razi university
Abstract:   (5477 Views)


Natural environments are necessary for rural settlements. Conditions of some rural areas are more stable than others. Research on the role of geo distribution characteristics of rural areas is not performed. Therefore, in this paper we study role of geomorphology factors on distribution of rural points. Human societies have always been on the ground in order to achieve maximum natural resources such as water resources, flora and access to arable land. Natural substrates necessary conditions for the establishment of rural settlements virgin, but some of the others create stable conditions addressing. These platforms include: slope, altitude, geological structure, water resources, and soil and land capability. This effort is based on the principles of science that today to interpretation unknown location.

Matherials & Methods

In this study, we examined Kermanshah province with an area of 24622 square kilometers of the province, approximately 5.1% of the total area is dedicated to Iran.

In the first step, according to the equation core density was achieved with an accuracy of 200 × 200 meters. Then studies the characteristics and parameters little geo province such as the homogeneity index, topographic wetness index (TWI), elevation, slope, slope, drainage density, stream density, temperature, distance from the Alras¬Ha, current density index, the index topographic position (TPI), ground roughness ratio (SRR) and mixed topographic index (CTI) was calculated. To determine the measured results Pearson correlation and linear regression between geo-parametric data with the density values ​​villages and nonparametric regression was used for nonparametric geo other factors. The type of model villages for any of the factors mentioned by Moran autocorrelation indices were determined.

Discussion of Results

The results showed that the highest density rural areas located in the western slope and in terms of morphometric land in rural areas is based settlement flat. In the arrangement and distribution pattern in the rural areas of Kermanshah Province, respectively, the density of drainage, elevation, drainage density, heterogeneous, slope, distance from the ridge, TPI, SRR, TWI and effective CTI is effectiveness. By studying the relationship, negative relationship factors, slope, elevation, topography, heterogeneous and positive relationship status drainage density, stream density, temperature, distance from the ridge, TWI and CTI settlement density in rural areas significantly affected.


In all environments that provide access to more permanent sources of surface water, lower altitude, slow slopes, away from the crest of the ridge, to refrain from the watercourse and wetlands, establishment and smooth in large areas, mainly in the Western sense reasons for choosing settlements Kermanshah province is rural. These selections are statistically not only event but perfectly expressed in such lodgments order as well.

Keywords: hydrogeology, distribution, pattern distribution, rural points, Kermanshah province
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/11/17 | Accepted: 2017/06/12 | Published: 2019/06/15
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Marabi H, Rahimi H, Azmi A. Effect Characteristics of Geo-Hydrology on the distribution and patterns Rural Point in Kermanshah Province. جغرافیایی 2019; 19 (65) :91-105
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-2688-en.html

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