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:: Volume 19, Issue 68 (4-2019) ::
جغرافیایی 2019, 19(68): 27-58 Back to browse issues page
The role of activists involved in the process of modernization of the urban city (District 12 Tehran )
Mahdieh Nakhaei1 , Esfandiar Bandaryan * 2, Bakhtiar Ezatpanah1
1- Islamic Aezad Univrsity
2- Sistan And Baloochestan University
Abstract:   (3807 Views)

The city as a symbol of the cultural, social, physical ،situation; the political and economic and technology at any age and can measure to evaluate periodically the process of transformation of its society. Urban tissues as well as in every country and in every age and stroke fits the country's degree of development groups and activists through various factors, and formed social, economic conditions; the country's cultural and political at every time in the formation of the urban tissue has been effective. The overall goal of the present paper reviews the role of activists involved in the renovation of the (District 12 Tehran)  decay is, in this respect, after studying the records research and thematic literature research, interview ocksb comments in this regard the role of teachers and the impact of each of the activists on the improvement and modernization of the decay was about analysis. The five activists in the renewal process of decay are: Government agencies, local institutions, residents of worn texture, goals and rahbarha and the private sector. The study of the collection and description, as the method is in terms of the objective applied. Statistical research community District 12 residents of Tehran. With respect to the total population of the area 12, it must be said that statistical research community as 240720. due to the high number of population distribution of the questionnaire and the interview, part of a statistical sample for interview and questionnaire distribution selected. In the field, using the method of sampling Morgan, 384 people as the statistical sample is selected. To collect information of a statistical sample of the questionnaire with regard to research and operational variables to set, use them. To determine the validity of the validity of the content of the information collected. Validity of the researcher research using reliability test was 0/963. In order to analyze the data from the exploratory factor analysis and structural equation with Lisrell software was used. Based on the results obtained from a structural equations model, a significant coefficient (T-VALUE) for a set of relationships between research variables with each other and the activists.  That the relationship between the activists (Government agencies, local institutions, residents of worn texture, goals and rahbarha and private sector) on effective indicators and dimensions on worn texture of the District 12 Tehran that contains the (economic factors, social factors, physical factors, environmental factors, political factors-legal-administrative and legal factors) respectively against 3/53، 3/5،3/6،3/24،3/62. When considering whether the amount of the obtained T is more than 96.1 can be confidently 95 stating that there is a significant relationship between the variables. As well as the amount of times a factor or standardized coefficient, obtained for the activists related to arrange 0/16،0/15،0/10،0/52،0/09.The city as a symbol of the cultural, social, physical ،situation; the political and economic and technology at any age and can measure to evaluate periodically the process of transformation of its society. Urban tissues as well as in every country and in every age and stroke fits the country's degree of development groups and activists through various factors, and formed social, economic conditions; the country's cultural and political at every time in the formation of the urban tissue has been effective. The overall goal of the present paper reviews the role of activists involved in the renovation of the (District 12 Tehran)  decay is, in this respect, after studying the records research and thematic literature research, interview ocksb comments in this regard the role of teachers and the impact of each of the activists on the improvement and modernization of the decay was about analysis. The five activists in the renewal process of decay are: Government agencies, local institutions, residents of worn texture, goals and rahbarha and the private sector. The study of the collection and description, as the method is in terms of the objective applied. Statistical research community District 12 residents of Tehran. With respect to the total population of the area 12, it must be said that statistical research community as 240720. due to the high number of population distribution of the questionnaire and the interview, part of a statistical sample for interview and questionnaire distribution selected. In the field, using the method of sampling Morgan, 384 people as the statistical sample is selected. To collect information of a statistical sample of the questionnaire with regard to research and operational variables to set, use them. To determine the validity of the validity of the content of the information collected. Validity of the researcher research using reliability test was 0/963. In order to analyze the data from the exploratory factor analysis and structural equation with Lisrell software was used. Based on the results obtained from a structural equations model, a significant coefficient (T-VALUE) for a set of relationships between research variables with each other and the activists.  That the relationship between the activists (Government agencies, local institutions, residents of worn texture, goals and rahbarha and private sector) on effective indicators and dimensions on worn texture of the District 12 Tehran that contains the (economic factors, social factors, physical factors, environmental factors, political factors-legal-administrative and legal factors) respectively against 3/53، 3/5،3/6،3/24،3/62. When considering whether the amount of the obtained T is more than 96.1 can be confidently 95 stating that there is a significant relationship between the variables. As well as the amount of times a factor or standardized coefficient, obtained for the activists related to arrange 0/16،0/15،0/10،0/52،0/09.

Keywords: texture, texture of the worn, activists of the Tehran municipality, District 12
Full-Text [PDF 1652 kb]   (1518 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/01/20 | Accepted: 2017/06/13 | Published: 2019/04/8
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Nakhaei M, Bandaryan E, Ezatpanah B. The role of activists involved in the process of modernization of the urban city (District 12 Tehran ). جغرافیایی 2019; 19 (68) :27-58
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-2783-en.html

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