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:: Volume 19, Issue 66 (9-2019) ::
جغرافیایی 2019, 19(66): 291-304 Back to browse issues page
Finding potential sources of underground water catchment model Shannon entropy Nour plain mamasani
Najmeh Shafiei1 , Aboalghasm AmirAhmadi * 1, Abohlfazl Rahmani1
1- hakim sabzvari
Abstract:   (6039 Views)

Seeking new sources of groundwater as a source of drinking water in the world due to increasing demand for this vital world is necessary and inevitable.In recent years due to excessive interpretations of these resources the plains are dropping in a way that the depletion of aquifer is more than feeding it. And it causes a negative balance and positive feedback and finally leads to collapse of system. Factors such as population growth, the need for food, the need to improve health and social welfare, industrial development and the protection of ecosystems is increasing water demands every day. That's why the choosing an appropriate and effective, yet professional approach, in order to solve problems faced by water resource management, is necessary. Identify underground water  resources, identify areas with high potential and improving the removal of these resources are the most important goals. The study area is the catchment area of NURABAD MAMSANI of about 756 square kilometers is located in Fars Province in the northwestern part. In this study, the Shannon entropy were studied using 9 raster layer of the area to locate potential sources of underground water basin. And the results of the study showed that the lowest sensitive areas located in the Central Plains that it will take approximately 64% of the areas. And more sensitivity is related to the southern plain which is equal to 2% that is covered 16 kilometers of the area. Results of Shannon entropy model using (ROC) curve showed that the amount of AUC is 85% which is a high and acceptable amount.

Keywords: potential mapping, underground water, the Shannon entropy, springs, aquifer Nour mamasani
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/03/28 | Accepted: 2018/09/10 | Published: 2019/09/1
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shafiei N, AmirAhmadi A, Rahmani A. Finding potential sources of underground water catchment model Shannon entropy Nour plain mamasani. جغرافیایی 2019; 19 (66) :291-304
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-2869-en.html

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