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:: Volume 21, Issue 75 (10-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(75): 19-38 Back to browse issues page
Border temporary Market place influence on improving the livability of Rural Settlements (Kurdistan Province)
Hadi Saidi1 , Yousef Ghanbari * 1, Hamid Barghi1 , Ahmad Taghdisi1
1- isfahan university
Abstract:   (4088 Views)
Border market place the subject of this research has been topic a lot of research. The end of  This research is describe and explain the environmental effects of border exchanges before and after the construction of temporary border markets in the region. The aim of this research is to describe and explain the economic, social, physio, cultural and hygienically impacts of border exchanges before and after the construction of temporary border marketplace and the role of this phenomenon on the improve of livability. In the present research and in term of research methodology, we use both qualitative and quantitative methods in the following ways. Deductive strategy for investigating the research problem, two conventional methods of research; library and survey research, preparing and distributing 90 and 360 questionnaires for the evaluating of villages for collecting data, SPSS software, independent T-test and Wilcoxon test for statistical analysis of quantitative data, and the professors' viewpoints, executive directors' opinions, research achievements and field observations of the researcher for qualitative data have been used. Research findings indicate that people's employment in border exchanges has resulted in Temporary border markets have brought about positive changes in the indicators related to the economic, social and physical aspects of the rural settlement of the border areas of the region, especially the increase in income, population consolidation, the increase of renovation housing and, to a certain extent, the strengthening of rural housing, and as one of the activities The main features of residents of border settlements have an effective role in livelihoods diversity, reducing the unsustainability of rural settlements and improving livability of border regions of Kurdistan province, and the continuation of this activity will lead to the well-being of border settlements.
Keywords: temporary borders market place, livelihood diversity, livability, Kurdistan province
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/05/11 | Accepted: 2019/07/25 | Published: 2021/12/21
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saidi H, ghanbari Y, barghi H, taghdisi A. Border temporary Market place influence on improving the livability of Rural Settlements (Kurdistan Province). جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (75) :19-38
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3457-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 75 (10-2021) Back to browse issues page
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