Geomythology is the scientific study of the oral traditions of ancient cultures to explain some mysterious phenomena and to understand geological events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, megafloods, and climate change. Geology is also trying to identify some of the past catastrophic events through the interpretation of myths. The purpose of this research is to analyze the legend of the submerged city of Marivan in ancient times. The legend is similar to Noah's storm in the Bible, but on a local scale. Noah's storm in the Sami mythology, "Ut-Napishtim" in the Babylonian mythology, Ducalion’s Storm in the Greek mythology, and the Var-Jamkard in Iranian mythology. The universality of this narrative shows a major geological event around the world at the same time. Storms are likely to occur in most parts of the world due to heavy rainfall in the Middle Holocene, causing seas and lakes to rise, especially in the Middle East, with crowded settlements. Zaribar Lake, located in Located inside the structural depression (Graben) of Marivan, has created by the traction of the two main faults in the region includes the Zagros and the Chenareh faults, and also their second and third degree Riddle faults. With increasing rainfall in the Middle Holocene, the lake is likely to reach more than 60 square kilometers and submerged settlements in the Marivan Plain. Numerous studies of the region's Paleoclimate have also shown an increase in precipitation at this time and justify the myth.