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:: Volume 21, Issue 75 (10-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(75): 165-188 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation and measurement of infrastructure index in promoting City prosperity of Ardabil
Dariuosh Jahani1 , Hossein Nazmfar * 2, Rasool Samadzadeh3
1- Payamnoor university
2- Mohaghegh Ardabili University
3- Islamic Azad university
Abstract:   (5073 Views)
The changes caused by the rapid growth of urbanization have faced cities, especially metropolises, with serious economic, social, environmental and infrastructural challenges and issues. In this regard, the City Prosperity Index has been proposed as a broad conceptual framework for measuring development and human and social welfare, in relation to the quantity and quality of urbanization. In this research, with a descriptive analytical approach and with the aim of measuring and evaluating the condition of infrastructure and the factors affecting it in the four regions of Ardabil, the effects of this index on improving the City prosperity index have been investigated. To achieve the research goal, 28 sub-criteria have been used. The information and data required in this research have been collected using library resources, statistics of 2016 and also referring to relevant institutions and organizations. For analysis, the data were standardized and the network analysis process (ANP) was used to weight each of the indicators. Then, using R statistical software and Prometheus multi-indicator decision-making method for City prosperity, each of the four districts of Ardabil was scored. The results show that districts 1 and 2 of Ardabil city are in a relatively weak condition in terms of having an City prosperity index based on the infrastructure component and districts 3 and 4 are in a weak condition and due to the concentration of facilities in the central districts of the city, City prosperity is reduced from the city center to the suburbs in all four areas. Also, the ranking of regions shows that regions one and four, with a score of 52.39 and 48.64, respectively, have the highest and lowest City prosperity in terms of infrastructure.
Keywords: City prosperity, infrastructure, Prometheus model, R Software, Ardabil
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/02/27 | Accepted: 2021/08/3 | Published: 2021/12/21
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jahani D, nazmfar H, Samadzadeh R. Evaluation and measurement of infrastructure index in promoting City prosperity of Ardabil. جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (75) :165-188
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3820-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 75 (10-2021) Back to browse issues page
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