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:: Volume 24, Issue 85 (3-2024) ::
جغرافیایی 2024, 24(85): 141-157 Back to browse issues page
Qualitative assessment of seismic vulnerability of buildings in Ardabil City with retrofitting approach
Ahmad Khajavy1 , Rasoul Samadzadeh * 1, MohammadTaghi Masoumi1
1- Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
Abstract:   (829 Views)
Despite the recent advances in the analysis of seismic performance of a variety of building structures, structural reinforcement strategies are still one of the most technically challenging topics. The aim of this study is to close this study gap by providing a simple methodology for assessing the seismic vulnerability of buildings located in the dilapidated structures of Ardabil. The proposed method is a qualitative method based on field studies of 1440 different buildings. Damage index for all buildings is calculated and their average in earthquakes with magnitudes 7 to 9 on MSK scale, in terms of intensity for different types of buildings are plotted in bar charts and PGA in linearly. Has been. According to the results, approximately 30% of steel buildings are less than 20 years old and due to the revision of Standard 2800 compared to the time of their construction against earthquakes with Intensity 8 has a high probability of damage and in intensity 9 there is a possibility of collapse and destruction of the building. The results show that this structural system is in a better condition than buildings with building materials. Buildings with concrete structures that are less than 15 years old are prone to moderate damage with a magnitude of 8 and high probability of damage at a magnitude of 9. Finally, concrete structures performed better than steel and masonry systems. In general, the results show that most of the buildings in dilapidated and historic structures are exposed to an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 in the row of high damage and a magnitude of 9 total damage and destruction. Highly vulnerable buildings are mostly located in central parts of the city (especially Zone One).
Keywords: seismic vulnerability index, damage mechanisms, damage scenarios
Full-Text [PDF 1281 kb]   (205 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/04/20 | Accepted: 2022/08/31 | Published: 2024/07/23
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Khajavy A, Samadzadeh R, Masoumi M. Qualitative assessment of seismic vulnerability of buildings in Ardabil City with retrofitting approach. جغرافیایی 2024; 24 (85) :141-157
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3982-en.html

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Volume 24, Issue 85 (3-2024) Back to browse issues page
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