1- Phd student of Urban Planning Department, MarandBranch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran. 2- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.( Corresponding author) 3- Professor of Urban Planning Department, MarandBranch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
Abstract: (561 Views)
The main problematic of urban planning in the epistemology and city practice are the hyper complexities such as globalization of economy and culture that representative concepts like social and symbolic capital and … in fact parallel with changing situations in the late policy and economy sphere. At this mean that dynamisms of city diversity is the context for emergence of concepts and new thought structures that imply to new city situation. Since the early of 21th century, Social capital have been attracted the attention of thinkers and decision makers as the most important discovery of human sciences in the context of national and city development. Rober Poutnam defined the social capital as dimensions of social organization such as networks, norms and trust that facilitates coalition and partnership to access to mutual benefits. This research is carried out descriptive- analytical method and with focuse on measuring the quality and type of social capital in the two neighborhoods of Islamabad and Karmandan quarters.