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:: Volume 17, Issue 58 (9-2017) ::
جغرافیایی 2017, 17(58): 71-94 Back to browse issues page
Potential feasibility of wind power plants using Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process (FAHP) in Khuzestan province
Abstract:   (6104 Views)


In this study, using Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process (FAHP), the potential locations to build wind power plants in Khuzestan province have been identified. The main criteria used in the study include (in order of priority): Technical, Environmental and Economical each of which has a set of sub criteria. The set of sub criteria includes (in order of priority): wind power density, slope, height from sea surface, distance from the fault (sub criteria of Technical criteria), type of land use, distance from protected areas, distance from the river and soil types (sub criteria of Environmental criteria), distance from the power transmission grid, distance from the communication ways (roads), distance from urban areas and distance from rural areas (the sub criteria of Economic criteria). The Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process used in this study has been performed according to the prioritization of the criteria and sub criteria. In this study, using the diurnal wind speed data, the maximum frequent wind speed and then wind power density were calculated. The average number of years used to calculate maximum frequency wind speed is about 20 years. The results showed that in this province, maximum frequency wind speed is between 3-7 (m/s), and wind power density is between 15.204 to 209.95 (W/m2). After collecting the other maps of the sub-criteria used in the study, the maps were prepared in Geographical Information System (GIS), and then using the results of Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process, and through the functions available in Geographical Information System, maps were processed, standardized, and then fuzzified. In the end, after overlaying the maps created in the previous steps, the map of suitable areas for the wind power plants was obtained. Results showed that some parts of Southwestern, Southern and central parts of the province are the best options for building a power plant. 

Keywords: site selection, wind power, Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process, Geographical Information System, standardization, fuzzification.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/01/21 | Accepted: 2015/04/4 | Published: 2017/09/20
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Potential feasibility of wind power plants using Fuzzy Analysis Hierarchical Process (FAHP) in Khuzestan province. جغرافیایی 2017; 17 (58) :71-94
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-661-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 58 (9-2017) Back to browse issues page
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