:: Volume 18, Issue 64 (3-2019) ::
جغرافیایی 2019, 18(64): 177-199 Back to browse issues page
Landslide hazard Zonation in the Aghlaghan chay water shade using ELECTRE model
Aghil Madadi * 1, Elnaz Piroozi1 , Elham Shokrzadeh1
1- University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Abstract:   (5484 Views)

Landslide are main risks in mountainous areas. Aghlaghan chay watershed by having mountain face and the geological, lithologic and climate conditions is sustainable for the production of flood hazard. These phenomena every year causing damage to lives and property in residential areas, road destruction and widespread creation and filling of reservoir sediment and riverbed sediment is Yamchi dam. The purpose of this study is generating Landslide hazard zonation. In this study, the first, we investigated ten Landslide risk factors in the region. These factors are: slope, aspect, lithology, distance from roads, distance from drainage, distance from fault, and distance from residential, rainfall, landuse, soil. Then data layers were prepared by GIS. The value of investments and standard benchmark map was combined in Edrisi software with Fuzzy method. Then, using hierarchical analysis method factors examined for paired comparison and weighting factors of each factor that expression of their mount effec tonthe calculated Expert choice software. Analysis and Modeling was performed by Using the ELECTERE as one of the methods multi-criteria decision analysis. According to the results, Slope, rainfall and lithology, highest value allocated to Landslide in Aghlaghan chay watershed. Nir and Bozdaghi sub‌water shade, with 15-30 percent slopes, precipitation about 350-550 mm, the weathered hard rock as bedrock which is overlain by soft formation materials, have very high potential for the landslide hazard. All to over according to the study results, Aghlaghan chay basin have very high potential for the landslide hazard event. Therefore, conservation measures, watershed and basin management studies are warrented.

Keywords: Zonation, Landslide, Aghlaghan chay, ELECTRE model.
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/11/11 | Accepted: 2017/05/14 | Published: 2019/03/15
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