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:: Volume 20, Issue 71 (11-2020) ::
جغرافیایی 2020, 20(71): 135-157 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of the Physical-Environmental Indicators of Liveable on Zanjan with Futuristic Approach
Jafar Mahdiyoun1 , Ali Shokoohi * 1
1- Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (4049 Views)
The Liveable urban environment is a desirable place for life, work, and entertainment, which meets the current and future needs of citizens. One of the most important challenges of Liveable on urban spatial is urban physical and environmental problems that affect the future of future generations and their quality of life. This paper analyzes and predicts the role of physical-environmental indicators in creating Liveable space in Zanjan city by analytical method. Fieldwork and library studies have been used to collect information. The statistical population consisted of residents of Zanjan, which was selected by Cochran sampling method, 384 samples. To analyze the data, the fittest test, exploratory factor analysis and structured / cross-flow futures research were used with SPSS and MIC MAC software. According to the results of the research, considering the fact that Zanjan physical-environmental management system tends to be unstable, however, the components of "Suitable prices for housing," "industrial pollution," "the proportion of public use to the needs of citizens," "the situation of waste tanks," "street flood security", "natural beauty of the neighborhood", "vegetation around the cities" And strong. And these relationships are mutually linked to the "affordable housing" component. As a result, in order to Liveable the urban space in Zanjan, it is first necessary to develop community-based programs around housing, the beauty of the city and neighborhoods, pollution, and refinement of the needs of citizens. Ultimately, in order to achieve the city's Liveable goals, attention must be paid to controlling the city's physical growth and development, the expansion of the public transport fleet, and attention to internal development.
Keywords: Liveable, Forecast, Future Studies, Zanjan
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/11/10 | Accepted: 2019/09/3 | Published: 2020/11/30
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mahdiyoun J, Shokoohi A. Analysis of the Physical-Environmental Indicators of Liveable on Zanjan with Futuristic Approach. جغرافیایی 2020; 20 (71) :135-157
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3371-en.html

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