1- Agricultural and Natural Resources 2- Management Research Institute, River and Coastal Engineering
Abstract: (1005 Views)
Knowing the flow behavior in the basin is one of the concerns of the watershed managers. That human knowledge, understanding and knowledge of the physical laws governing it is limited in some respects from the point of view of mathematical formulas. Numerous factors are effective in floods in the region, including topographic features, river morphology, rainfall dynamics and human activities. This research was carried out in Hableh Roud Basin. The purpose of this research is to determine the amount of runoff production of different lithology units by identifying the factors affecting sediment production through the regression model in the scale of the rain simulator. The research method is based on field studies and statistical methods. During the field visit, an experiment was performed (on the formations) with a rain simulator with a rainfall intensity of 4 mm per minute with an average rainfall of 10 minutes in three repetitions on the slope surface with a slope of 20%. For each sub-area, environmental parameters and morphometric parameters as dependent variable and runoff production as independent variables were analyzed by SPSS software using multiple regression (simultaneous and retrograde) methods. This test was applied for 21 sub-basins of Hableh River The results showed that retrograde method was the most suitable method. The adjusted coefficient increased from 58.4 in the first stage to 80.5% at the 10th stage. And the effective factors in flood are slope, environment, vegetation and lithology shows the greatest impact.