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Evaluating the role of sustainable development in regeneration the historical-cultural contexts of Iranian metropolises (case example: District 8 of Tabriz metropolis)
Esmaeel Rajabi , Karim Hosein zadeh dalir * 1, Bakhtiyar Ezzat panah
Abstract:   (436 Views)
Over the past 20 years, many urban areas have experienced significant growth as a result of rapid population growth and the global economy being transformed by a combination of rapid technological and political change. The worn-out urban fabric was formed and developed in a long time process and today it is surrounded by modern technology and new urban development. As one of the most important metropolises, with the presence of active industries and various services, the city of Tabriz has become the most important and the largest city in the northwest of the country, which has led to the increasing migration and population to this city. But according to the historical record of this city and the existence of many traditional and old tissues in this city, unfortunately, recent developments, due to the neglect of the development of old and traditional neighborhoods, have caused the birth of vast worn-out urban tissues. It is 2600 hectares. The worn-out texture of the central city of Tabriz - which is almost within the limits of the eight municipal districts - is fundamentally different from other areas of the city, which is due to its historical identity. This tissue is one of the primary cores of the formation of Tabriz city, and in addition to wear and tear, it is also one of the historical tissues of the city. The current research is in the category of applied research that was conducted with a case-analytical method with a mixed approach. Due to the nature of the data and the impossibility of controlling the behavior of the effective variables in the problem, it is also non-empirical. The current research relies on library and field methods and questionnaire and observation tools. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the data. According to the evaluation results of the views of 400 citizens living in District 8 of Tabriz Metropolitan Municipality, the regeneration and sustainable development indicators of the 8 neighborhoods are below the average level. According to the correlation test, physical-spatial, institutional, economic, social and environmental indicators have the strongest relationship among the studied indicators with the regeneration of region 8. In an integrated evaluation, it can be concluded that not only the understanding of the concept of sustainable development in the regeneration of urban projects in domestic studies has not occurred sufficiently, but also due to superficial insight and lack of proper understanding of the fundamental concepts and the two-way relationship of these two approaches, there is a need to study It is necessary to go deeper in this field. In connection with the role of urban regeneration projects in achieving the goals of sustainable development in the central part of the cities, we can benefit from the perspective of intellectual capital as a driver of growth. Therefore, in a general judgment, it can be claimed that achieving regeneration goals based on sustainable development is a long-term process that is now at the beginning and is far from the set goals.
Keywords: sustainable development, Urban Regeneration, Cultural-Historical Texture, Tabriz City.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/01/16 | Accepted: 2024/04/21
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